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The Flowery Paper
Faazin Gei, or The Flowery Paper is a Cantonese mukjyusyu (木魚書) style ballad written in the late Ming era which is one of the earliest known work of written Cantonese. This book along with the Jyut Au (粵謳), The Cantonese Songs, was imported into Europe as examples of "appropriate" expressions of love, intended to influence and counteract perceived degeneracies in European romantic culture of the time.
佚名 author unknown
A Discussion in Vernacular Language
邵彬儒 Siu Ban Jyu
Zukwaa Kingtaam, or A Discussion in Vernacular Language, is an early 19th-century Cantonese narrative, representing one of the earliest examples of Cantonese saamkapdai (三及第) fiction. This book captures unique features of Cantonese during the Qing dynasty, especially in its pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Compiled by Siu Ban Jyu, a storyteller from Seiwui in Canton, this work uses colloquial language to convey local stories, customs, and moral teachings.
The Sinoglyph: Myths & Metaphysics
Inside the Chinese characters lies a world called "Siumatgwun" – the complete set of everything in one's worldview. Siumatgwun represents how Chinese characters shape our understanding of the world. It is a unique worldview, grounded in specific opinions, organizing things through a logic of judgment and evaluation, sometimes even bias. As this book argues, this logic is reflected in the structure of Chinese characters, forming a mythology that influences the psychology and intuition of its users.
佚名 author unknown
The Dialogue between General MacPherson and the White Dragon
The Dialogue between General MacPherson and the White Dragon is a socratic dialogue written entirely in vernacular Cantonese, exploring the deep friendship between the two characters. It is a pioneering work that uses Cantonese to tackle complex topics like metaphysics, linguistics, and the contrast between Eastern and Western philosophies, with extensive footnotes explaining newly coined terms and language choices, making it a creative and valuable study of the structure and potential of Cantonese.
佚名 author unknown